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19 Sep 2018 15:12
Minutes of the SBRTTA Sept 7, 2018 Membership Meeting 
enfeedia RSS feed publisherSaddlebrooke Ranch Table Tennis Association
Minutes from meeting Friday, Sept 7, 2018

Ken Gorman called the meeting to order at 9:05 AM. Nine members were present including Tom Reuter via telephone.

Lowell Sletten presented the treasurer’s report stating the club has a cash balance of $125.00.

New Business
1. Waivers – Everyone needs to sign a separate waiver to cover the Board of Directors. Gabor Morocz will be asked to draft the waiver.

2. Proper Attire – Footwear – Ken Gorman made motion stating that “ Players must wear sport shoes appropriate for playing Table Tennis.” Tom Reuter seconded the motion. Motion passed. This will appear in the Policies and Procedures.

3. Tournaments – John Hess will be requested to chair tournament committee. John Hess to initiate possible tournaments.

4. Guest Policy – Proposed that members will be able to invite one “Nonresident” guest on Fridays with no limit as to the number of times. Definition of “Resident” and “Nonresident” was suggested to become an action item. Tom Reuter made a motion that the “Resident” group would include Robson Preferred Guests as well as persons staying with members. Ken Gorman seconded the motion. Motion passed.

5. Elections – Discussed timeline for nominations. Ken Gorman explained that there needs to be a nominating chair person and a nominating committee who would present possible officers for 2019. Steve Chapman volunteered to be Chairman of the nominating committee. Gary Gonzales and Ken Gorman will serve on the committee. Lowell or Ken to provide Steve with an email list of members. Nominees proposed by the nominating committee to be presented to the Board by October

6. Other Business
Tom Reuter to head a committee to research the feasibility of a robot. Jerry Martin will serve on the committee to identify the necessary steps to determine whether or not a robot is feasible. We also discussed if it was necessary to dedicate a table to singles during normal scheduled days of play. Discussed working towards helping all members develop a “legal” serve with the understanding that we are there to have fun.

Reminder to Ken to publish Gabor Morocz’s notes regarding resident responsibilities and Robson guest policies.

Ken Gorman moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:24 AM. KC Swanson seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned.