Our "websitedesign" Feed

25 Jun 2012 06:45
Website now in Beta test 
enfeedia RSS feed publisher FeedBack ( 0) With the importing of the full data set of members of the Class of 62 into the Class Page Directory, the implementation of the all-member shared blog also on the Class Page, the improved registration process, and other improvements, the site is now in Beta Test. Members of the management team are asked to exercise the website and report back any issues.

The photos from the yearbook for a few members are installed, proving the implementation. As soon as a substantial quantity of new photos are scanned from the yearbook pages and made available, they will be uploaded.

We also need more content for several pages. Volunteer writers and photographers are needed. When the site is released, we will ask all members for content contributions.

The website will be officially released once Beta testing shows it is ready regardless of incomplete content. At that time, whatever yearbook photos that are available will be uploaded with the remainder uploaded as they become available.