Our "allclubsnews" Feed

15 Mar 2019 07:44
Welcome to the SBR "All Clubs News" feed 
photoenfeedia RSS feed publisher

This feed is under development. The following is posted to introduce your this coming feature.

This is the place for club officials to post your club news of interest to the overall SBR community for topics such as special events they might be interested in attending. Or special offers of products you are selling. Perhaps guest privileges for an outing. Or reserving a seat at a club presentation or a seat on a bus for a group outing using an AACA Super Simple Sign-up form. The possibilities for engaging those outside your club are unlimited, but be sure to be respectful of the community in your communications lest you damage your reputation.

Your club will receive, for free, one item on this feed if requested. Only those club officials/leaders listed with their club on the AACA can request a spot. All club leaders can update the spot whenever they want. Anyone who has an AACA account (i.e., who has joined the AACA) can register for alerts when new items are posted in the form of notification email delivered to their in-baskets.

This feed is embedded on the AACA website and is viewable by selecting the "News" button on the menu strip at the top of the page.

For more information, log into your AACA account and open the **right** panel (this option is under development) that is revealed after you log in.