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30 Sep 2020 07:30
Board Meeting Minutes 9/27/20 
enfeedia RSS feed publisherThe SBRWWC board met on September 22, 2020. All five voting board members were
present: Jeff Hansen, Mark Prose, Scott Saxon, Harvey Goldman and Jay Hall. Also present
were advisory members Dan Carter, Ed Cheszek, Ron Gustafson, Ron Hilbert, Ed Valdez,
Charlie Anderson and John Gordon.

The following issues were discussed:

Harvey Goldman provided an update to the finances and provided a one page summary sheet.
This sheet will be posted in the woodshop so members can see the finances. The club spends
$400 a month on supplies and consumable items based on a review of the budget.
Membership dues for next year was discussed but will not be decided until the next board
meeting. It is expected the dues will remain the same this year, $100, and include a $10
discount if paid before 12/31/2020. Creating a reserve fund was briefly discussed and will be
discussed again at the next meeting.

Charlie Anderson agreed to be the monitor coordinator to relieve Dan Carter from the
responsibility. Dan Carter will take over maintenance and repair of the shop equipment and
continue to train monitors. The club still has a problem with monitors working sufficient
shifts to keep the shop open for the advertised hours. Charlie Anderson will poll all monitors
via Groupworks to determine why some monitors are unable to work the required shifts. He
will also remind all monitors of the incentives for monitors and report the findings during the
next board meeting.

Ron Gustafson reported that eight new members have been trained since the shop reopened.
Five trainers have done a majority of the training. A problem concerning retraining
individuals who only use the shop infrequently was discussed. Right now there is no
mechanism to identify how frequently members use the shop. Supplemental training can be
discussed when regular project oriented classes are offered again as health and safety allow.

The Jet 22-44 sander has been repaired after waiting for the conveyor belt to be shipped. The
problem with the sander was related to sanding thin material so new limits have been placed
on the sander. No sanding anything a 1/4 inch or less without the use of a sled.

Additional storage cabinets have been made available and the shop managers will organize
the shop supplies in an effort to open up new rental cabinet space in the back of the shop.
Woodworking magazines will be taken out of some cabinets and placed on a rolling bookcase
so they are more accessible to members.

The board voted unanimously to upgrade the router table lift mechanism. A new lift system
from Rockler will be purchased before the end of the year. The cost will be around $400 and
should solve the continued difficulty members have had with the router table.

John Gordon reminded all CNC users to consult the fee schedule for all non-personal CNC
work and that the board will modify this schedule to address member requests and all outside
requests. The money is collected and credited specifically for the CNC machine to pay off
the large initial cost of the machine. That restriction will be reviewed by the board regularly.

New board members are needed for three positions that will be open in 2021. A general
membership meeting cannot be held this year because no venue is available that meets current
health and safety requirements. Alternate meeting options are under review and anyone
interested in seeking a board position should contact any board member.