Our "news" Feed

22 Apr 2023 06:33
enfeedia RSS feed publisherThe SBRWWC board of directors met on April 6, 2023, at 4:03 pm. Board members Russ Hardy, President, Neal Drell, Secretary and David Stark, Vice President were Present. Mike Stroben, Treasurer, was absent.
Advisors to the board Dan Carter, Maintenance Coordinator; John Gordon, Shop Manager; Charlie Anderson, Monitor Coordinator were present. Tom Marshall, CNC Coordinator and IT Coordinator and Scott Saxon, Training Coordinator and Lathe Coordinator, were absent.
Treasurer report
Checking - $7,702, Savings $15,719 and 139 paid annual members’ total

Monitor Coordinator Charlie Anderson
John Murphy will be assisting and begin Monitor Coordinator training with Charlie who has announced he won't be seeking re-election when his term expires at the end of this year. Ed Cheszek, Russ, and Charlie received $25 gift certificates to Woodworkers Source for reaching the 12 monitor/training volunteering sessions. We have 3-5 members taking advantage of our shop hours on Monday evenings.

Training Coordinator Scott Saxon
Scott sent out emails to current instructors and all Monitors looking for help finding additional instructors and training helpers. The response was minimal. The Board will try again reaching out to the general membership. Wood for machine orientation, CNC Class and the Bookcase Project is on order and will be delivered on April 13th. Ed Cheszek reported that 5 people completed machine orientation in April.

President Russ Hardy
Spring Art Walk, April 22 – shop will be closed that day. The Club Expo produced 9 new applications. Charcoal filters will be replaced every 90, during monthly shop cleaning. Hand power planer is now available in the shop. Dan will put together a training program / demo night in the near future. Corn Hole project was completed and delivered to the Ranch House. Material costs were donated by the shop as a gesture to secure future work with the Ranch House Grill and HOA. Signage for the Chef Competition and new Beer Tap projects are in the works. Mantel Project is in search of wood. We have asked the HOA / Robson Maintenance Dept to inspect, clean and replace (if necessary) the dust collector canisters.
Vice President Dave Stark
Proposed putting together a “newsletter” encouraging better member communications. The board agreed. Dave will ask the Robson maintenance team to rebuild or replace the old compressor head so it would be a fast swap when the current one fails. Almost all of the tools for the tool cabinet have been purchased within budget.

Shop Manager John Gordon
Reminder that Forstner bits and specialty tools must be check out and checked back in by the Monitor On-Duty. New band saw blades are now available for individual purchase at $50. When leaving John a note on the white board to order misc. supplies please print your name and tool the parts are for.

Maintenance Coordinator Dan Carter
Unanimous vote to replace the Miter Saw with the Bosch GCM 12SD. It will be purchased by an individual with the extended warranty. Cost not to exceed $900. Be aware the CNC spoil board may not be completely square. Check your set up.

New business was discussed:
The Board approved the purchase of two Compressor air hoses with reels, cost not to exceed $400. Dave will purchase. Bookcase Project is scheduled for April 12 – 20. Wood to be delivered April 13th.