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Event: Jul 30, 2014, 2:00pm
Pickleball Association Meeting 
enfeedia RSS feed publisher FeedBack ( 0) The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m.

Minutes from the previous meeting have been posted on the website for review. A motion to accept the minutes as posted was made and seconded.

Rich Ferris mentioned that we are replacing cracked balls at the cost of $700-800 per year.

Bob Hills presented an extensive report and update on the proposed new pickleball court complex. Club representatives will be meeting with Robson management this month to discuss. Bob asked that any suggestions regarding the complex be given to the Committee and not Robson employees to avoid confusion. The purpose of the proposed court expansion plan is for quality and safety of play, ability to host large events, and aesthetics. A heartfelt thank you was given to Michelle LaBere for her efforts in drawing the plans for the new complex.

The secretary reported that a comparison of paid members versus waivers signed showed that 27 members still need to complete waivers. The waivers are a Robson Communities' requirement. We will be contacting these members shortly to obtain their waivers.

Steve Baer reported that club membership now stands at 135 individuals. Of that number, 48% are women and 52% men.

Chris Jerman reported on skill level testing. To date 25 people have tested with an 85% pass rate. Challengers need to score 21 points over three games to advance to the next level. At present, testing is conducted every two weeks. An individual may play with the level they are testing for two weeks in advance of the test. If an individual does not pass, they may request to retest in one month. Requests to test are limited to three per year. Volunteers are needed to help with this activity. Suggestions regarding this program may be given to any board member for consideration.

Bill Reynolds discussed a new program currently in development to provide skill level enhancement classes. He also mentioned most tournaments will be opening for signups in September. A list may be found on the website. Bill has also found a pickleball paddle provider who will put the club logo on the paddle face.

Elida Jerman presented two new types of ladies' shirts for $15 and $18. She suggested sample sizes should be tried on before ordering.

Rich Ferris mentioned that we need more active volunteers in the organization. With the continued growth of the club and the expansion proposal, it will be imperative that more people are involved to make this a successful program. Rich also expressed appreciation for those who have already given untold hours of their own time to the program.

It was asked if the court reservation time schedule on the website is accurate. The schedule on the website matches the one in the Fitness Center.

The treasurer reported dues receipts of $3,043.59 and expenses of $2,534.59 for a net difference of $509.00. Current checking account balance is $1,433.20.

Rich Ferris asked for any additional questions or comments.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
Alice Ann Lenzini

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